When letting agents can’t charge the tenant, landlords what will you do?

When letting agents can’t charge the tenant, landlords what will you do?

Rent fees in England and Wales are a step closer to being scrapped, as a petition opposing letting agents’ fees has now gathered over 250,000 signatures.

Started by the features editor of online youth magazine The Debrief, Vicky Spratt says letting agency fees in England are “totally unregulated” in contrast to Scotland; where they are now banned.

“Walk down any high street in England and you could go into five different letting agents who would all charge you a different fee. You have to pay for the privilege of dealing with them, to secure a property and even to change the name on a piece of paper? You’re then also charged an inflated fee for a credit check, which actually costs as little as a tenner” she claims.

She cites one fee apparently charged by Foxtons – £210 to change a name on an existing tenancy – and then says that in her various moves she has paid charges varying from £80 to £552.

“How is it possible that fees can vary so much from agency to agency? It’s a rip off and the agents are getting away with it” she claims, adding that legislation should be introduced to ban fees in England.

When letting agents are unable to charge the tenant landlords will have no other option but to foot the bill.

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So landlords, if you’re looking to give your tenants the best deal and prepare for when you can’t charge them anything join LandlordReferencing.co.uk today for all your Referencing & Insurance needs.

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