

Oldham Council proposes Selective Licensing scheme

24 March, 20140 Comments
Another local authority is proposing a consultation to find out if it needs to bring in a Selective Licensing scheme for private renting landlords. If the plan is approved by Oldham Council’s cabinet the formal consultation would involve residents, private landlords, businesses and other stakeholders in 16 areas across the borough. Selective Licensing schemes aim
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Can you get an advantage when selling your house in a Buyers market?

03 February, 20140 Comments
Everyone knows that the housing market has been struggling over the last few years and that is putting it mildly. However over the summer and autumn of 2013, I noticed that the market was starting to pick up, there were quite a lot of houses going onto the market, which is promising, but are they
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When does your friend become your landlord?

25 November, 20130 Comments
The obvious answer is when they let property to you, be it a house, garage, flat or “just” a room. While in all of the above scenarios there is the potential for trouble as business is being mixed with friendship, when actual living space is shared, the problems often multiply by a factor of 10.
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When is a landlord not a landlord?

21 October, 20130 Comments
Answer – when they think they’re not as they’re letting a room, and not a whole property! Following the credit crunch, many of us, myself included, have found ourselves letting out either the whole or a part of our own homes. Some have been forced to do this rather than lose their home completely. The
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