40,000 private renting tenants abducted by aliens in 2015…

40,000 private renting tenants abducted by aliens in 2015…

Britain’s Benefit Tenants returned last night for a new series on Channel 4, with yet more tales from the sharp end of the benefits system.

With council housing stock shrinking and home ownership gradually decreasing, more tenants than ever before are finding themselves on benefits. So with many falling into rent arrears, agencies specialising in housing benefits now find themselves on the front line.

Last night saw an ex-pub landlord who has found his own way of dealing with those who abandon his properties, leaving a trail of destruction behind them and owing thousands of pounds in unpaid rent.

A young letting agent also found herself drawn into tensions on a street in Hartlepool, when one of her tenants caused anti-social problems for the neighbours.

Did you know that bailiffs evicted more than 40,000 renting households last year?

This equates to 269 people being forced out of their homes every day in 2015.

At Tenant Referencing UK we can confirm that 40,000 private landlord did not join our system last year, so what exactly happened to these 40,000 tenants?

Where they abducted by aliens and transferred to Mars?… Did they evaporate and never seek another rented home elsewhere?…

Unfortunately, for landlord and agents who fail to reference their applicant tenants, this is not the case. And this is how rogue tenants work their way back into the private rented system. If their previous landlord or agent had simply taken the time to upload their Tenant History from the outset they would not be able to move from one place to the next – leaving a trail of destruction and debt behind them, and who’s left to pick up the pieces? THE LANDLORD OF COURSE!


Tenant Referencing UK.com has developed a full range of services for its members over the last 7 years. We started out as the only UK company to be allowed to share our member’s tenant’s histories and we now have a vast database of landlord and letting agent shared histories.

Over the years we have been asked by our members to add services to offer them a one stop letting shop and today our members can do everything they need to do to let a property all in one place.

Click here to see view a full list of referencing, RGI and online lettings management products we can offer you.

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Author: News Feed